Thursday, 3 September 2009

about men, women, and sex

This is article is about men, women, and sex. I will give specific relationship advice to men and specific advice to women, so if you do not want to hear the truth, click away now... Are you still here? Ok, here we go.

Men, please listen. This is great advice. Remember that God made women different, (WAY DIFFERENT) and you need to realize this. Just because you think one way I can guarantee she thinks another, in all aspects of life. Sex is one of those aspects. For a woman, sex starts hours before it actually starts. In fact, if you are planning on having sex on Thursday night, and you want it to be good, you better start Wednesday morning. Make sure you pay attention to her. Don't just rush off to work with a peck on the cheek, give her a real kiss, something she will remember. And yes, the kids might say "that's gross", but do it anyway. And smile at her. You may even whisper in her ear that tomorrow night is the special night. If you're outside of the house together give her a little pat on the tush once in a while. Of course, don't embarrass her, just when nobody is looking. Tell her she's still the most gorgeous woman in the world to you. I don't care if she has put on love handles, tell her anyway, because if you want a good relationship you should not only say it, but you better mean it. Another bit of great relationship advice, that evening, make sure you hold her close when watching TV or whatever it is you do in the evenings. Tell her you love her and only her. The chances are pretty good you won't have to wait until Thursday! Just spend some time looking at her, spend a few minutes playing with her hair, and take some time for her and only her. Trust me these simple things are what makes life and sex worth the time and effort. This is real relationship advice that works.

Ok now women, here is some relationship advice for you. Believe it or not, men do have feelings. I know they don't show it, and may never show it, but there is hope. As long as you remember they still have them you are way ahead of the game. I know there are some men out there that do show their feelings and good for them, but for most of us, we don't. But thanks to some long overdue culture changes we are starting, so don't abuse the fact that the only feelings we show are anger by intentionally making us angry. If you are that starved for some feelings from your man, talk to him. Anyway, back to the topic of men's feelings. We do get hurt ladies, and sometimes hurt deeply by your actions. We don't say it, we don't get the sad hound dog look, but we do. Another bit of relationship advice is never laugh at your man. Laugh with him yes, but at him, no. You have seen the overprotective mother type, the ones that their kids do no wrong? Well there is nothing wrong with you being that overprotective of your man. In fact, we like it. We like it a lot. If we screw up, even if it's spilling the spaghetti, don't laugh at us, protect us. Say those little words that will make us feel good. Tell us it's ok, tell us don't worry about it, no harm done, all those little things you tell little boys right before they cry, because even if we are now men, we are closer to that little boy than you think.

Monte Jamison, Relationship Guide

Relationship Advice -

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