Monday, 16 November 2009

How To Build Trust In A Relationship - 7 Concrete Tips

How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip One
Reliability is the key to building your partners trust. Excitement is great, but predictability forges a better foundation in your relationship. Now, you don't want to be boring (yawn) but you do want your lover to feel safe with you...make sense? Surprise them occasionally with different activities, but always be reliable, and their love for you will grow, as you build trust in your relationship.
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Two
If you want your partner to feel safe with you make sure your body language matches your words. If you say one thing but your expression, or body language says another. You will be sending a mixed message, and they will lose trust in your words, and eventually you too. If you don't try to hide your true feelings from your partner, you'll build more trust in your relationship.
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Three
You need to have actual respect for your partner...if you do not respect them, they will be able to sense this no matter how you talk or act (see tip2). Two people have to have mutual respect for each other in order for this relationship to survive. If your partner feels that you believe their a competent person you will be building a lot of trust in your relationship.
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Four
This one is really a "no-brainer" but it needs to be said anyways. You don't want to keep any secrets (short of a surprise trip/gift) from your partner...OK? All the time and energy that goes into keeping a secret could be put to better use. After all when did a lie ever build trust in any kind of relationship?
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Five
Open communication is a big key in sustaining a meaningful relationship. If you have something to tell your partner let him/her know what it is. The longer you sit on a problem, the bigger it becomes. Pretty soon it's bigger than both of you and now you're screwed. Don't let lack (or fear) of communication weaken the foundation of trust in your relationship.
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Six
Stand your ground...don't be a push over. It's hard to respect someone (see tip 3) if they always bend and never stand up to their partner. He/she will think more of you if you stand your ground once in a while, and fight to be heard. Showing your strong character will actually build the foundation of trust in your relationship much faster, than being a "push over."
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Seven
Growth is essential to the survival of just about anything on this planet. Your relationship is no different. Don't be afraid to "get your hands dirty" once in a while. What I mean is do not be afraid to color outside of the lines to make your point. Sometimes you have to be willing to lose your partner by bringing up issues they don't want to (but need to) face. You will actually build their respect towards you while building the trust in your relationship as well.
I hope these seven tips have helped you understand a little more about how a healthy relationship works. If you have any questions about this article, please leave me a comment on my Blog in the comment box. What can I do to help you build trust in your relationship? Or better yet; What can you do today to build more trust between you and your partner?

Until next time,

S. Williams

~I know that love hurts but with my help you"ll get strong enough to kick loves ass~
S. Williams
S.Williams is an accomplished Relationship Adviser, who has helped many people get back together with their ex. He has written many articles and will work one-on-one with you, to help you follow the best plan out win back your ex. You can sign up for his free videos, tips, and advice by just clicking here. Do it today, so you can have a better tomorrow. ~I know that "love hurts" but with his help you will get strong enough to kick love's ass.~

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. Very well written post on relationships. I agree that building trust is very important in any relationship.


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