Monday, 16 November 2009

How To Build Trust In A Relationship - 7 Concrete Tips

How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip One
Reliability is the key to building your partners trust. Excitement is great, but predictability forges a better foundation in your relationship. Now, you don't want to be boring (yawn) but you do want your lover to feel safe with you...make sense? Surprise them occasionally with different activities, but always be reliable, and their love for you will grow, as you build trust in your relationship.
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Two
If you want your partner to feel safe with you make sure your body language matches your words. If you say one thing but your expression, or body language says another. You will be sending a mixed message, and they will lose trust in your words, and eventually you too. If you don't try to hide your true feelings from your partner, you'll build more trust in your relationship.
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Three
You need to have actual respect for your partner...if you do not respect them, they will be able to sense this no matter how you talk or act (see tip2). Two people have to have mutual respect for each other in order for this relationship to survive. If your partner feels that you believe their a competent person you will be building a lot of trust in your relationship.
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Four
This one is really a "no-brainer" but it needs to be said anyways. You don't want to keep any secrets (short of a surprise trip/gift) from your partner...OK? All the time and energy that goes into keeping a secret could be put to better use. After all when did a lie ever build trust in any kind of relationship?
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Five
Open communication is a big key in sustaining a meaningful relationship. If you have something to tell your partner let him/her know what it is. The longer you sit on a problem, the bigger it becomes. Pretty soon it's bigger than both of you and now you're screwed. Don't let lack (or fear) of communication weaken the foundation of trust in your relationship.
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Six
Stand your ground...don't be a push over. It's hard to respect someone (see tip 3) if they always bend and never stand up to their partner. He/she will think more of you if you stand your ground once in a while, and fight to be heard. Showing your strong character will actually build the foundation of trust in your relationship much faster, than being a "push over."
How to Build Trust in a Relationship - Concrete Tip Seven
Growth is essential to the survival of just about anything on this planet. Your relationship is no different. Don't be afraid to "get your hands dirty" once in a while. What I mean is do not be afraid to color outside of the lines to make your point. Sometimes you have to be willing to lose your partner by bringing up issues they don't want to (but need to) face. You will actually build their respect towards you while building the trust in your relationship as well.
I hope these seven tips have helped you understand a little more about how a healthy relationship works. If you have any questions about this article, please leave me a comment on my Blog in the comment box. What can I do to help you build trust in your relationship? Or better yet; What can you do today to build more trust between you and your partner?

Until next time,

S. Williams

~I know that love hurts but with my help you"ll get strong enough to kick loves ass~
S. Williams
S.Williams is an accomplished Relationship Adviser, who has helped many people get back together with their ex. He has written many articles and will work one-on-one with you, to help you follow the best plan out win back your ex. You can sign up for his free videos, tips, and advice by just clicking here. Do it today, so you can have a better tomorrow. ~I know that "love hurts" but with his help you will get strong enough to kick love's ass.~

Are Your Friends Hurting Your Relationship?

You exist within a web of relationships. For instance, if your friend is going through tough times, you may find yourself feeling an emotional heaviness throughout the day, thinking and worrying about your friend. As this colors your mood, your partner may start to notice that lately you've been preoccupied and down. Since emotions are contagious, this will impact your partner in some way and her/his interactions with others may now be different as a result of what your friend shared with you.
How is this relevant to your marriage or relationship?
Your relationship exists within a larger social context, and your friends, coworkers, family, and even the society in which you live can directly or indirectly impact your relationship. Think of your relationship as one link on a never-ending chain of connectedness.
This was evident with two couples I recently coached:
A brief story of relationship isolation:
Tad and Wanda have lived together for a little over a year and during a recent coaching session, Wanda complained that "all of our friends seem to be getting divorced or breaking up. It's depressing and makes me think there's something wrong with me for trying to make my relationship work. When I try to talk to my friends about a fight I had with Tad, they just tell me to 'find someone better-suited to you,' or 'relationships are overrated anyway.' The whole 'there are lots of fish in the sea' mindset isn't helpful when I'm trying to make my relationship work now."
Tad and Wanda lack the couple-to-couple support that is vital for a sustainable, long-term relationship. They both struggle with feeling like the "oddball couple" in a sea of failed relationships (and they don't have any single friends who are pro-relationship)—and both acknowledged that this was starting to negatively impact their union.
A brief story of marital support:
Molly and Jeff have been together for eleven years. Both are retired and have been active participants in their local community and volunteer for numerous causes. This involvement has offered them opportunities to develop friendships and socialize with other couples.
Molly joked that their friends "saved our marriage on at least two occasions" because of the support they offered Molly. She shared, "If Jeff and I are going through a difficult time, for whatever reason, I don't feel alone. I have at least two other women I can talk to who have been through difficult times but they're still happily married…I know I'm not alone in my struggles and that makes a world of difference. And I have a few single friends who are supportive of my relationship and committed relationships in general, even though they're not in one now. All that encouragement among my friends really helps whenever I start to worry that the challenges of a romantic relationship might be too much for me."
The need for relationship support
Couples love to hear about other couples who have successful relationships. Have you ever noticed how people in relationships are happy to learn that a famous couple is in it for the long haul? Many couples feel validated to discover that their favorite movie star or musician has resisted the temptations that come with fame and are committed to one person. Notice your reaction the next time you hear that people you know and/or admire are splitting up.
Couples root for other couples—there is an unspoken, cosmic connection, a sense that we're in this together. If Brad and Angelina can make their relationship work, and your neighbors and friends can make their relationships work, you end up feeling more hopeful that you can make your own work.
Seek Out Relationship Support
Relationship support comes in many forms and the first step is to look in your own backyard. Make a list of all the individuals and couples you know and admire: family, friends, teachers, community leaders, local organizations or church members.
You might be surprised to learn that there are people in your life that have been married or together for a long time (and feel lucky to be with the same person). These couples can be an emotional resource for you and your partner. Would you consider asking them about their relationship, especially what has worked for them? Are you willing to seek their support when you (or your partner) need advice or guidance?
We all need relationship mentors—couples who have successfully navigated the complicated interpersonal terrain that comes with committed relationships. This doesn’t mean you should overlook friends not currently in relationships as potential sources of support. Often single friends who understand and celebrate you and your relationship can be a safe place to go to when you need a different perspective or just need to vent.
Don't overlook the vast relationship wisdom that surrounds you.
Many couples like spending time with other couples. If most of your friends seem to be in dire relationship straits or your friends' values regarding commitment differ from your own, you need to expand your social network—seek out couples you and your partner can socialize with, couples dedicated to making their own relationships work. The goal of expanding your couples-support-system doesn't mean you have to abandon your current friends because they aren't in a relationship or their relationship is in trouble—it means that you enrich your circle of friends to include those that believe in the benefit of a long-term, committed relationship and will help support you in yours.
It might seem like a paradox that you can be with someone you deeply love, yet still feel isolated. Often couples assume feeling isolated means there is something wrong with their relationship—while this can be an indication that there are problems that need to be addressed, it can also be an indication that your relationship is surrounded by negativity and a lack of support.
No matter how strong your relationship might seem, you and your partner do not exist in a vacuum. When you establish the goal of building a support network for your relationship, you have taken an important step in buffering the damaging effects of relationship-isolation.
Is your relationship worth protecting? Are you ready to make your marriage everything it can be?
Richard Nicastro, Ph.D.
To discover more relationship tips, visit and sign up for Dr. Nicastro's FREE Relationship Toolbox Newsletter.

As a bonus, you will receive the popular free reports: "The four mindsets that can topple your relationship" and "Relationship self-defense: Control the way you argue before your arguments control you."

Richard Nicastro, Ph.D. is a psychologist and relationship coach who is passionate about helping couples protect the sanctuary of their relationship. Rich and his wife Lucia founded LifeTalk Coaching, an internet-based coaching business that helps couples strengthen their relationships.

How To Make Your Relationship More Exciting

Throughout my professional career I've come across many people that were lacking excitement in their relationship. Many of them have experienced some form of it in the beginning of their relationship- but they all seem to ask me the same question..."where did all the fun go...and how can I get it back?"

I know that when you're starting a new relationship it may be fun, exciting, and there are few arguments (if any). Someone even compared it to buying a new car and having that new car smell. But what happens after all the fun stops?

Here's what you can do to get the fun back:

1. Show your creative side. When it comes to making a successful, long-lasting relationship, sometimes we need to think outside of the box. Coming up with fresh ideas for love and romance (or even where the next place you'll go to spend time together) could be the key to keeping your relationship thrilling.

2.Get Spontaneous. Do things "just because". Surprise your partner by planning a nice romantic getaway. Summer is here, so traveling around this time may be very enjoyable for the both of you.

3. Talk to your partner. Find out from your partner why your relationship is starting to get boring. Are there things going on in his/her life (bills, work, etc) that's stressing him/her out (this may be the reason for the lack of excitement)? Or is he/she just plainly losing interest in the relationship? Communicate with your partner to find out what's going on and then take it from there.

Whatever you need to do to make your relationship more exciting, then do it. You have to be the pro-active one if you want to get the love life that you desire.
Daniel Amis, Professional Matchmaker/ Relationship Expert
Relationship Expert/ Professional Matchmaker Daniel Amis has helped many people create the relationship of their dreams. He publishes weekly E-zines that's inspiring, fun, and insightful. If you're ready to get the love that you desire, then subscribe at or and get your FREE tips today!

Giving Her Turn - Getting Your Girl To Put More Value In Your Relationship

Ever notice how you put more value on something you worked hard for over something else that just fell on your lap? A common example of this is when you see someone spend lottery winnings on a fancy house, but thinking twice about investing life savings.

When something comes with a great deal of effort, that object increases its worth to that person who went through a great deal to get it. The same can be said about relationships. Someone who was won over with little effort can be let go just as easily. But when one is made to invest time and resources, it is harder to let them simply slip away.

Guys, believe it or not, it is okay, if not healthy, to let your lady work at your relationship and making things slightly more challenging for her to get you. After all, women have been playing "hard to get" for the longest time. It's only right that they be returned the favor.

You may agree, but then you may not know exactly how. So read on for some helpful ideas on letting your mate work on increasing the value of your relationship.

- Retain some enigma.

Perhaps in their eagerness to impress the ladies, guys nowadays tend to share information about themselves short of a resume. That leaves very little for a woman to build her curiosity on.

Women are creatures of curiosity. They are wired to hunt for information on something that they are interested in. Just looking at how they consume gossip magazines will show you that.

Let this work to your advantage by revealing just enough information about yourself to get them interested while giving them hints on how to find out more. For example, let her know that you two have a common friend, but only give hints as to who it is. If she is in the least interested, chances are she'll be asking everyone she knows if they know you. As a result, you'll probably be constantly on her mind - which is a very, very good thing.

- Challenge her views.

If you don't agree with some things your lady believes to be the only truth, let her know your opinions as otherwise. You will find that she will engage you with a lot more enthusiasm, if only to win you over to her side.

The advantage to this is that if you get "won over" by the arguments she made for her case, she'd feel a greater sense of attachment to you. Just be careful in doing so as your challenge can very easily be perceived as picking a fight, which may turn out badly for the both of you.

- Acquire a new skill together.

Whether it is a craft or a sport, encourage your girl to take up something she's never had before with you. As she agrees, subtly push her to perform better than you are. If you are a very competitive type of guy, this may be quite difficult for you.

But if you keep your competitiveness in check, and allow her to excel over you with this new skill, you help build her confidence while at the same time making you the focus of her efforts.

- Let her imagination work.

When you and your lady have reached the point where you are physically intimate, you access another aspect of your relationship where you can allow you lady to work on.

When it comes to sex, even if she has already encouraged you to talk about it the first time, do what you can to avoid the topic - at least long enough for her to ask the second time. At this point, indulge her with some ideas you have in mind but leave out the details.

Allowing her imagination to fill in the blanks has already got you set up in her mind about the possibilities of an incredible night with you. Remember, a woman's most erogenous zone is her brain. Work this part of her and it'll take all of her self-control not to jump you the next time you meet.

These ideas all work to get your woman to invest more time and effort on you, reinforcing the connection you two have made. But be sure to affirm these efforts and let her know that you notice the work she is putting in. Nothing makes her feel better than to know her man thinks she is not only a great partner, but someone who can stand well enough on her own.
My Relationship Tips
My Relationship Tips offers dating and relationships tips for men and women.

How To Have A Succesful Long Distance Relationship?

Long Distance relationships are a true test to a couple's commitment and personal limits. LDRs take a great amount of effort to maintain and often people involved in them, realize that they evolve into a state of emotion that they never found themselves in before. When your partner is miles away from you, it is very easy to let things go wrong and lead your long distance romance to an early death. Some people find it difficult to bridge the distance through communication, others become overly obsessed with what their partner is doing when they are not there and as a result they spiral down a road of jealousy and suspicion. They key is balance and following some basic steps to keep your relationship healthy and strong.

Communicate and visit often

It cannot be stressed enough how important communication is for every relationship, especially if it is an LDR. With the distance working to keep you and your sweetie apart, your defense is keeping all lines of communication open. It doesn't matter how you do it as long as you do it. Every long distance couple should find ways to communicate that make both partners comfortable and happy. You can talk on the phone everyday, send e-mails, faxes or text messages and whatever you do make sure you share your feelings and expectations and be true to one another. Try to make the time to visit each other as often as possible or as often as your budget permits you to. A relationship cannot thrive if the only thing you have is the phone calls. You need to see each other up close and personal every chance you get. The key here is to set up some "rules" about frequency of communication and visits and stick to them, consistency can help a LDR survive. (Check our Communicate Better and Travel section)

Avoid jealousy and be trusting

One of the easiest ways to destroy a perfectly healthy relationship is to poison it with jealousy and drama. When you start a long distance relationship you must be realistic of the difficulties ahead. It always helps if you go in a relationship with the idea that everyone is innocent and worth of trust until proven otherwise. Don't fall in the trap to interrogate your partner every time he/she decides to go out for a drink with people you haven't met or he/she didn't get back to you right away when you called and left a message. Just because you are in a LDR, you lives won't pause. Your partner will naturally have a social life where he/she lives and so should you. Sure it helps to have your eyes open and not be totally naive but being overly suspicious is unhealthy for you and your relationship too. You should both maintain your social activity and be happy with yourselves.

Be positive

Staying positive and not focusing on the negative aspects of a LDR is essential to keeping your relationship blooming and your partner content. Being away from your sweetie is not all bad news. Use the opportunity of personal time to pursue your interests and hobbies as well as your career objectives. Another positive points it that long distance dating pushes both of you to be more creative, communicate better since you don't have "face-to-face" time and test your feelings. As long as you see the long distance relationship as a temporary state, you will keep your chin up and transmit that feeling of security and happiness to your partner too.

Long distance dating is all about a balanced relationship between partners; a relationship built on strong foundations of trust, understanding and determination to make it work. The two partners should be reasonable about their expectations and willing to cooperate so that this relationship can lead to a happy ending. If these parameters are taken care of, you have nothing to worry about.

Visit the Community Website for anyone in a Long Distance Relationship (LDR) or interested in this topic. The site features articles that provide advice and tips about long distance love. You’ll also find forums, videos, and testimonials from people who experienced long distance love.

Monday, 12 October 2009

The Secrets to a Woman's Heart: How to Seduce the Woman (or Man) of Your Dreams

I think all of us could appreciate learning how to:
* put an end to unfulfilling relationships (yeah, we've all had one)
* take things to the next level of commitment – without screwing it up! (I know, not so easy!)
* put an end to attracting relationships with people who only seem interested in a short term fling...
* stop self-destructive patterns and bad relationships, while learning how commitment REALLY works for the opposite sex...
* most importantly, take things to the next level of love and commitment (and get out of the stalemate that you feel you are in)
Heck, I know I would.  And so I did. I took the time to learn about "From First Dates to Soul Mates", a multimedia e-course that really helps you overcome personal and relational problems and help you find, yes, true love.
It can happen if you take just a little time and the measly $5 to try it out.  The e-book's name may be cheesy, but the advice most certainly is not. It's written by a woman--one who knows what works--and what, most certainly, does not!
What's great about Amy is, she'll relate to you.  I mean, who hasn't experienced some of the situations above?  She has, and knows that they're emotionally--and sometimes physically--draining.  And frustrate us into despair, or worse.
So she's here to help.  And I like that her advice WORKS.
Here are some of the things I learned in "From First Dates to Soul Mates":
* First of all, how to seduce women (or men), you have to become the same kind of person that you want to attract. What's that mean? It means if you want to attract intelligent women who have a good sense of humor, then you have to be the same. Like meets like, and while opposites attract, it doesn't hurt to have similarities.
* YES, men and women are different. And this book will tell you what women's needs are--and how to meet them. Once I realised what women are all about--and how we men are different--I was able to really understand women better and give them what they need. HINT: It's not that hard after all!
* Lots and lots of relationship advice! I honestly can't describe it all in one article and keep it under 50 pages! So to save you the boredom: trust me, you'll want to learn about not only how to interact, but how NOT to interact, how to stop the fights, stop the drama, and start the loving. Great stuff.
So hey, why not give "From First Dates to Soul Mates" a whirl? It's up to you to decide, after all.
But if your decision is "I can't take it anymore, and I want true love and happiness," then, well, the answer is clear.
And hey, it costs just $5.  How much is happiness and a long-term relationship worth to YOU?

the author:
Dating expert, Ethan Parker, helps you find what you need as he delves into the secrets of attraction.

Find out the best guides --and what to avoid--at his free review site,

Guys: 2 Things You Need to Know Before You Pursue an Intimate Relationship With a Woman

There may be a time where you'll come across a woman who only wants a sexual relationship. Before you rush into one with her, there are a few things you need to consider.

Here are the two things you absolutely need to know before being intimate:

1. Feelings may start to develop. This can be very disastrous to the relationship. Since the relationship is built solely on intimacy, this alone can ruin your chances for another intimate encounter. If she's intimate with you, she may have feelings for you least sexually. If you are intimate with a woman who just want something sexual, then DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING MORE THAN THAT. If you try to express how you feel about her, or worse, push a relationship on her, she may decline.. It may also ruin your chances for any future intimate encounters.

2. She's probably in a relationship. There's probably a lack of intimacy that she's experiencing in her relationship, so she looks elsewhere. Though she's cheating, it may make sense to her to try to figure out a solution...especially if she has already expressed to her significant other the problem. What you need to do is decide if you really want to be with someone who's already involved. Take into consideration that there are many possible outcomes in this her man may become more intimate with her so therefore she may cut you off.

If you feel like you can still handle a sexual relationship, then by all means, have one. But always remember what it is...just something sexual and nothing more. Take that into serious consideration.

the author:
Relationship Coach Daniel Amis has helped many people create the relationship of their dreams. He publishes monthly E-zines that's inspiring, fun, and insightful. If you're ready to get the love that you desire, then subscribe at and get your FREE tips today!

6 Reasons Why A Woman Seeking Man Or Man Seeking Woman Should Use Internet Dating To Find Love

Are you looking for a way to meet people safely, flexibly, and to maintain control over each encounter? How many times have you been on a date only for it to turn out disastrous? If you were like the average person, the answer would be more times than you care to count.

With the world advancing in technology while at the same time crime increasing rapidly, people are finding it hard to find or meet their soul mates on the street as it used to be in the fast. Poople are now more reserved because more people they meet when they try to go out on the streets are more of strangers and thus deserve caution.

Okay lets asume you have been successful and got a date through our traditional means as on the street or entertainment places. The problem is that meeting someone and then going on a date often ends differently than you hoped it would.

Fortunately, there is a solution that makes it possible for any seeking person to hookup with a date for a relationship or romance.If you are tired of the failed attempts of meeting someone and interested in actually building a relationship, this is an amazing solution - and, it works! Best of all, this solution in most cases is free. This solution I would suggest is internet dating.

Why would over 7 million singles chose to use internet dating? It is because internet dating works.For those who have used internet dating sites, you will find many testimonials on the convinience of this method of getting your date. This means that internet dating is an exciting opportunity that millions of people use every day as a means of building friendships and making love connections.

I have dealt with many singles many through my internet dating portal site and others through real encouters. It supprises me some times when I get a thank you message from them. But from all messages, here are the 5 advantages of using internet dating to find your love, over other means of dating/ matchmaking.

1- The fact that you do not pay any fee what so ever to become a valued member of many internet dating sites. Though you do not pay any fee to join,once you have signed up to become a member, you will have the ability to search and browse other members who just like you, are looking to meet someone special. This is a great way of making your choice even if you in in your kitchen. You only chose to go out with that person when you are sure she/he is perfect for you. This is through the messages that the internet dating site allow you to exchange through their systems.

2- You are 100% sure that you are in a like minded community. What I mean here is that members of any internet dating site are looking for relationships for a number of reasons. Some people are divorced, widowed, hobbyists, and so on. What this means is that you are almost 100% free from rejection. Regardless of your reason for wanting to meet someone, joining an internet dating site helps make your experience a positive one.

3. You are 100% in control. The nice thing about using internet dating services is that there is no pressure to respond to any of your e-mails or requests. You control the people you respond to and send messages to. Instead of feeling pressured or hassled, all you need to do is have fun and enjoy the process of making new friends and possibly, a love connection. Time is on your side and you only chose to go out with some one at your pleasing.

4. Another great aspect of internet dating is the convenience that you get through this form of dating. Rather than fussing over what to wear, how to look, or where to meet, all you need to do is turn the computer on, log into the dating website you are a member of, and you are ready to start looking for that special person.

5.Internet dating is a big saver of time and Money. Have you ever wondered how much time a person using traditional means to find a date wastes? Consider the time you would spend in the pubs, entertainment places or beaches trying to hook up with some one. That is plenty of time.Plus in most cases, there is alot of money attached to that time such as entry fees to those places where you want to find your date. However, with internet dating, all this is eliminated. You just get any date you want from your room or cafe. So very little expenses incured in the proccess.

6. Variety. Question. Wouldn't you like to get a lover from Germany, Asia, America Or any part of the world if your resources can allow? Whey get limited to only dates in your area? Now you can with internet dating. Internet dating makes this possible with just a few clicks of your mouse. It is not a miracle to find over seven million singles seeking love, romance, relationship or a soul mate when you are a member of a leading internet dating site.

In conclusion, I would say that as the world advances and turns in a small global village, more opportunities open up for singles to meet the love of their lives through internet dating.

the author :
Lubowa Muhammad owns a free online dating site where you get to join for free and browse photos of over 7 million women seeking men and men seeking women from 250 locations accross the world.

When To Kiss A Woman

Trying to figure out when to kiss a woman can be quite confusing for most men. Most of the time men are too quick and jump in before the right moment. The man is just too excited and jumps in right away into the kiss without any elegance. Other times, men are just too dense to know when to kiss a woman. However a perfectly timed kiss can instantly capture a woman's heart.

Deciding when to kiss a woman depends to a large extent on timing. In addition having a bit of style and subtlety also helps intensify the moment of the kiss. Choosing the right occasion to kiss a woman especially for the first time is very important.

The important thing to remember when to kiss a woman is to pick the right moment in order to make the kiss appear as natural as possible. Remember to let the kiss happen spontaneously.

Actions that lead up to the Kiss

Most of the time subtle and slight movements can help lead to the perfect moment when to kiss a woman. Keep in mind that most women do not appreciate fast movements from manipulative men. Women find men that simply grab and kiss to be quite repulsive.

Men should understand that the appropriate time when to kiss a woman is a slow process. It is important to be patient and follow the process in order to reap the rewards of a kiss. Because if the process is done right, the prized kiss is surely worth the long wait.

The initial date or meeting is the ideal time to initiate the process. Making small gestures like leaning into her to whisper something or touching her lightly at the elbow or arm is a good start. The simply action of stroking a woman's hair or putting an arm across their shoulder can help set up the perfect moment to kiss a woman. This type of action is called the kinesthetic approach.

The approach helps make a woman feel more comfortable around the man. At the same time, slight gestures like these will hopefully bring about a sense of excitement that thrills most women. It also helps relay the message that the man is a sexual being who is not afraid of intimacy.

Timing the kiss is essential after initiating the process. Remember that prolonging the kinesthetic approach can make the kiss too contrived. On the other hand, taking immediate action may be too premature and cause a woman to back away. This technique may take some time to master however learning it is a must.

It is also important to be aware of the woman's reactions to this type of approach. If a woman does not seem to appreciate the approach then it is best to back down to avoid any untoward incident like a slap to the face.

Tips on When to Kiss a Woman

Selecting the right time when to kiss a woman is a personal issue for every man. Each and every man has his own style. But it does help to keep a few things in mind when kissing a woman to help make it a memorable rather than forgettable occasion.

When to kiss a woman depends mostly on their body language. A woman who is not ready to be kissed or does not want to be kissed will show it. A woman on a date that does not want a kiss would most likely keep there distance or worse make a lame excuse to leave early. Men should pick up on these quickly so as not to look foolish and be rejected for a kiss.

Men should also take into account when to kiss a woman with tongue involved. Bear in mind that not all women are looking for a tongue lashing on the first kiss. Any woman looking for a gentle kiss would instantly be scared off with a rough and forceful kiss that is totally uncalled-for.

As a man, it is important to know when to kiss a woman. A man that would have to ask a woman when to kiss her will look like a complete idiot. The slow approach is best. It shows both confidence and warmth that are guaranteed to seal the kiss.

My Relationship Tips has hundreds of dating and relationship tips for men and women.

How to Write Love Letters and Poems As Gifts For the Woman Or Man of Your Dreams

If you want the woman (or man) of your dreams to fall head over heels in love with you, you must write love letters and poems to him or her. When you want to feel good, write a love letter to him or her and your efforts will be greatly appreciated.
Writing love letters and poems to the woman or man is a way to keep both of you bonded together. It is especially beneficial if both of you are in a long-distance relationship. By writing love messages and poems to him or her, both of you can stay connected and love each other even more.
However, not many people know how to write a simple love letter or poems. This is the reason why most people avoided this wonderful method of expressing love. Writing love messages and poems to the other party can make him or her feel appreciated and happy, because this is something that you write with your heart and sole.
There are various love letters sample online for you to copy. However, you need to find one that is appropriate for both of you and give you the perfect romantic love letters and poems for him or her.
Initially, it is normal that you will feel skeptical about the idea of using someone else's words to express your most personal feelings. But you will like how you could take these well-written love letters and add your own words. As a result, you will feel comfortable about sending a love letter. In fact, you can send your girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband a bunch of them!
If you have never been really romantic before. You can imagine how your significant other will feel when him or her received a love message from you. Your love messages and poems will reflect your true feelings for him or her. Your man or woman will definitely feel loved from the bottom of his or her heart. Your love messages and poems will make him or her cry with joy. Your man or woman will never felt more loved!
It is really fun and easy to send a love message. Seducing your sweetheart and captivating their heart has never been easier. By sending love messages and poems to him or her, you will discover the single best way to get into your lover's heart.
Send a love message - straight from your heart. And now, it's sexy, romantic, and it's easy - with a little help from other people. You can send them romantic love letters , sexy love letters , even playful love letters.
And for those of you who have a traveling spouse , or a long distance relationship, there are dozens of love writings to bridge the distance and stay connected.
With various love letters collection online, you'll be able to edit the love writing templates to include your special greeting, personal words and intimate thoughts.
If you're not good at putting your thoughts on paper, or maybe you just don't like to write, you're not alone. We are here to help you write the perfect love letters or poems to your man or woman.
You can give a gift of romantic love messages and poems to the man or woman of your dreams. Your love letters are going to help you spark romance with your sweetheart. Your love letters and poems are truly amazing in letting someone know how you feel, when you couldn't come up with the right words and how to convey it. And the main good news is that " one ever has to know you had our help!"
Engage your man or woman in a romantic expression of love writings and poems that he or she will remember and be touched for the rest of their life.
about the author:
JP Mah is a gift consultant and an avid astrology learner who uses the wisdom of Astrology to give people a better understanding of man's and woman's personality traits, thereby, find the perfect unique gift ideas for him or her. To find interesting and unusual fun gifts for him or her, go to =>

Thursday, 17 September 2009

3 Hints What Men Find Attractive in Woman

Girls are supposedly made up of sugar and spice and everything nice, so is that what men look out for in girls? Jokes apart, this question drives many girls crazy. They want to be sure that they do not lose the men they love and are willing to do anything to keep them secure in their company only.

While a few moments of browsing on the net for this topic will yield many results, why not ask one of your friends who is maintaining a successful relationship with her guy for quite some time? No girl wants to loose the guy she loves.

If you have the guts, you can just ask him point blank if he likes you or not. Though this seems a bit harsh, there actually are some types of guys who love this straightforward approach and love women who are frank. The flip side is that there are men who are authoritarian and you mist well end up losing him by posing such a query to him.

By the way, in order to have success with men, you need to know what men really find attractive in a woman. Below are the hints that usually men look out for in girls that can make him feel attracted:

1. Having a positive attitude

There are quite a number of girls who are nervous to approach the guys they love. They are not too sure about their looks and are afraid to get rejected by the guy. Not all fingers of the hand are same. While it is a fact that some girls are prettier than others, this is not the only thing that a guy looks for in a girl.

If your attitude is correct, you can be rest assured that it will help secure your relation. While some guys do go for pretty girls, the vast majority of guys like the company of girls who carries a bit of authority on her head. They prefer a girl who they will be proud to show of to their family and friends. Never try to act coy for this will turn him off real quick. Boys like girls who catch their eyes due to their personality.

2. Being intelligent

Are you smart & intelligent? If yes, then you have won half the battle. Men like girls who are intelligent and smart too. Some girls try to make up for their lack of intelligence by trying to dress themselves in provocative and revealing dresses.

If you want to have a new guy every other day there is no problem with this, but if you want a guy to stick with you, just forget this approach. Do show off your figure by all means but do not do it in such a way that it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of the guy’s friends and relatives.

3. Personal hygiene

Look after your personal hygiene: Guys hate girls who have a foul smelling mouth. Nobody likes to kiss an ashtray. Rather take some mint mouth fresheners if you are planning to kiss him. A well maintained body with a glowing skin goes a long way in making a girl attractive to boys.

Make up your hair so that it compliments your face. A properly maintained hair should frame the face. These hints are not my any means exhaustive, but it will surely help you to get in to the right track.

Does the man you're seeing really get the importance of a close and lasting relationship?

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About the Author : For over 3 Years, Sarah Nichols has helped women everywhere become more of the a woman that men want.

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Visit Catch And Keep Him to Learn How To Find, Attract, And KEEP The Man You've Always Wanted...

Why Women Reject Men… and What to Do About It?

Why women reject men… and what to do about it?

After a long chase at last, you managed to approach the woman you desired. You were having lots of ideas, and had planned for some superb outing with that woman in advance. While you had thought so much, it ended up in rejection at the very first interaction. This is unfair, but that is how things are more often! Certainly you will be eager to know why women reject men, and trust me, there is no end to that list. In this article we will go through some of the most common usual reasons why women reject men.

In case you are being rejected by any woman, questions come in your mind whether there were any mistakes from your end, or the lady is nothing but bad-mannered. However, if we take it for granted that she is impolite, there still is a reason behind the rejection. While talking about why women reject men, we must discuss about someone’s personality. There are lots of women who are attracted only by your looks. There is always a chance of rejection if you are not good looking because the first impression depends on your look. In addition you also need to remember that if you are selected only for your looks, woman is not perfect for you.

Second reason happens to be wrong approach, or way of expressing their feelings from most men. It can be seen in several men that they just go directly to the women, and bring out their feelings. There should be a proper way of approaching a woman instead of coming to the point directly. While you are about to start talking, you should not be casual. It is better to move slowly, first build a friendship with the lady, let her know about you, and then go for the approach. Keep always one thing in your mind – there is no other relation better than friendship.

As we were talking about the ways to approach a woman, it indicates the proper timing. Most men do have a bad habit of approaching the wrong woman at the wrong time. While the lady is busy with some other work or thoughts, it is totally useless to approach her at that time. She will just get an opportunity to reject you without any proper reason. This is one of the most crucial reasons why women reject men. Do not ever be desperate while approaching a woman, as it will only make her run away. Never show her that you need her, instead represent your power and dominance.

In addition, you need to have the quality of keeping a woman amused for a long time. Along with that, you need to talk properly while interacting with her. Using unnecessary words to impress a woman will only go against you. Be a good orator as well as an appreciative listener. You cannot expect someone to keep listening to you. By following these simple rules you need to seek for answers on why women reject men.

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About the Author : Alex Coulson has been a core leader in the ever evolving dating industry, he holds cutting-edge dating workshops/courses every weekend around Australia and regularly holds dating seminars on attracting women internationally.

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What Do Men Say is Sexy?

Women dress, walk, talk and adorn themselves in ways that they think will be attractive to the opposite sex. Throughout history women have subjected themselves to painful rituals in order to be considered sexy and desirable by men.

The ancient Japanese bound the feet of female children to keep them small. This sexy binding crippling the women so that they could not walk.

Various tattoos and markings have been used in Pacific Island and other cultures around the world to adorn the skin of the body.

Africans inserted stones in lips and earlobes, stretching them out of shape. In other African tribes, long thin necks were thought to be beautiful, so the women wore rings around their necks to stretch them (the more rings, the longer the neck and therefore the more desirable the woman).

In the U.S., women go on extreme diets to get thin; pierce lips, eyes, nostrils and nipples; or endure surgical procedures like breast enlargements, tummy tucks, Botox injections, face lifts and body waxing because they think men will find these physical modifications to be sexier.

Women will also roll leave their homes with their rear ends out and everything showing. They think this is sexy and the only way to get a man's attention.

With the competition for men so fierce among women, just what is a girl to do? She wants to attract and keep a good man that finds her exciting. So just what DO men say is sexy?

What Do Guys Say is Sexy
One guy spent a month in Egypt where the women wore long black burkas, exposing nothing but their eyes to the public.

He reported "The eyes are the most powerful attraction that a woman has, but that's mainly used in close-range encounters. Things like hair, clothes and body catch a man's interest from far away. Eye color is not the most important thing. I think eye shape maybe. A man can drown in the right pair of eyes. The eyes are extremely sexy, and I left Egypt very hot and bothered and I'd seen nothing but EYES!"

One young guy wrote "a woman with a job and her OWN MONEY is the sexiest thing I can think of!" Seemed to get his blood boiling just to think about it.

"Women with gorgeous bodies and tiny little love handles is sexy."

"A natural and warm smile is almost like a hug - it's very welcoming. Fake or strained smiles don't get it."

"There's nothing sexier than a black woman - it's just the way they are. A nice smile, a pleasant speaking voice, and meat on da bone! I can't stand no skinny women!"

"I like women that are about 20 lbs over the weight on those insurance charts. I even like a little cellulite on firm shapely thighs. I like my woman to LOOK LIKE A WOMAN, not a twig." This letter came in from a Texan. I guess it's true that they like everything bigger down there!

"A really nice scent on a woman circumvents all of that higher-level thinking and reaches men in a very visceral place. It shouldn't be too strong or too subtle. A woman has to find the right perfume for her body chemistry."

"A woman's voice is very sexy to me."

"All I can say is that these women walking around here all bony need to remember what dogs do to bones; they knaw on them and then bury them."

"A sharp wit balanced with an elegant demeanor is very sexy."

"A woman who feels sexy about herself, or who is sensual and confident is very sexy!"

Many men wrote and expressed a sentiment that is the direct opposite of the belief many women hold about their clothing - or lack thereof. Most men expressed the opposite sentiment: "Even though we like to LOOK, that doesn't mean it stirs me in the place a woman wants me to be stirred which is my heart!"

Another young man held a similar viewpoint: "Understated vs. overstated is sexy...leave something to my imagination ladies. The possibility and the calculation is what men like."

"I'm a blue-eyed blonde, but I find women with dark, dark skin that glows in the sunlight to be ridiculously sexy."

Another dreadlocked, dashiki wearing brother complained that Black women need to stop applying what they see in the mainstream media to themselves in relation to beauty, fashion, body image and as the criteria to judge what is or is not sexy.

What Isn't Sexy?
"Not sexy at all is someone who tries too hard to be sexy! Don't wiggle around and be so obvious with yourself. I had a woman come stand in front of me and bend over to pick up a pack of cigarettes she dropped. It was just nasty. Makes a woman look bad when they do all that."

"Eager to please, bringing attention to themselves, always wanting to do the right thing, or just plain doting is definitely not sexy!"

"Women with all them damn muscles. Hey, if I wanted to sleep with a hard body, I'd be gay! Women are supposed to be shapely, with softness and curves. I don't want somebody with yokes like me!"

In summary, it seems the qualities guys value as sexy are:

High self-esteem (a woman that values herself)
A winning smile
A smooth voice
Feminine curves that are toned and firm
Definitely not skinny
Intelligent with a witty sense of humor

Got it ladies? So put some clothes on and work on demonstrating the qualities above if you want guys to really find you sexy!

Deborrah Cooper. Deborrah has authored dozens of relationship articles and advice columns on Ask HeartBeat!, which focuses on modern relationships for teens and adults. Her dating guide Sucka Free Love! provides street-smart, hilarious insight into the toughest issues facing singles today. Check out The Sucka Free Dating Radio Talk Show on Wednesday night at 7:00 pm PST.

Success in a Flirt for both Men and Women

For men and women, the need for a flirt surpasses the essence all other relational items that connect them. While a flirt is a sure way of making them one and narrowing the gap that they have towards a relationship of sorts, it can be rather elaborate for them. It is flirting that makes them realize the need they have for each other, as they forge towards having something in common. Flirting narrows the gap between strangers and friends, and is climaxed in a union between the two. It is a sweet thing when tried by the two human beings and it leaves them desiring for each other and in search of something that will bring them utmost joy.

When females flirt it has a way of awakening astounding need in men, and they can hardly say no. Flirting for a woman can bring many men round, and when it is done with intent it hardly fails. Women have very defined ways of expressing flirting signals, which come out clear in the way they commission body signs. In addition, women are the supreme humans in the usage of body signs, and they make use of them to mean that they are in search of a specific man. The clear thing and distinct character of women and body language is that they don’t depict it to every man, but that specific male they are looking forward to making a connection with.

It depicts the way they have these nonverbal and verbal cues to make use of to make a point in social relationships. It is upon every man to find that woman with who to share the mating urge in them, and since it runs between the two genders, they hardly have no choice but meet. It is finding that person with whom to start upon a better path of relationships. When a flirt is in the air, commissioned by a woman, it becomes a signal, more so a siren that is heard and taken by men and in them it calls for a feedback, which they give back. Women and flirting is like men and sports, and they seem to walk hand in hand and in the same direction. For a woman to start flirting there is a deep lying reason that it so happens that way.

Man will flirt with many women until he so finds the one who makes his need and his flirt system to make sense and draw forth some fun. For women, flirting is somehow divine, and it is hardly done with any man. They choose painstakingly the right man to flirt with, and even to have a relationship with, a man who can sire positive and amicable offspring. Men can use it freely, but to a woman, many men would have been hurt and rejected before it so happens they can flirt with the right woman. No matter what happens, flirting in men and women will certainly meet in the middle, where they start relationships of a specific kind, from a one night stand to a long lasting union.

About the Author : Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest ProjectFree online dating and matchmaking service for singles Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Flirt

How to Talk to a Man - Five Secrets Every Woman Should Know by Tonja Weimer

Do you know how to talk to your man? Is your boyfriend the silent type, not telling you what he thinks or feels? When you ask him questions and try to get him to open up, does he seem to go farther away? Is he confused about what you want from him?

Talking to men can be difficult if you don't understand how they are wired. Even if your guy is the talkative type, he still may not be good at sharing thoughts, feelings, or sentiments that are of any depth. Would you like to know the five secrets in how to talk to a man? Here are some facts that may surprise you and guide you:

1. You cannot talk to men the way you talk to other women.

Women are almost always ready to share. If you woke your girlfriend up at three in the morning to tell her the details of your fight with your boyfriend, she could tune into what you are saying in about five seconds. Conversely, if you woke your boyfriend up to tell him anything important, it would be the equivalent of a bee sting. He would be jolted, disoriented, and a little mad. He would need twenty minutes to regroup and hear what you are saying.

SECRET #1: Don’t approach men for conversation when they are not in an approach mode. Give them time and opportunity to be able to listen to you. They want to be there for you and give you what you need, but you have to understand that they need to have distractions removed, time to focus on the conversation, and a clear and defined understanding of what you want from them.

2. Men have been programmed for centuries to take care of the family.

When you take any complaint to him, even if you are only crying because your hair came out green instead of blonde, he unconsciously thinks it is his fault. If a man feels he is not taking good care of you, (and complaints are translated into thinking you are not happy with him,) he experiences tremendous physiological discomfort. He hears your problem as HIS failure. Withdrawal is his protection in these situations.

SECRET #2: Don’t misinterpret the silent male or underestimate how much you mean to him. He is highly vulnerable to you.

3. Men do not heal from emotional wounds as well as women do.

Who cares more for their lover, men or women? If you answered men do, you would be right. In general, after divorce, men re-marry sooner than women do, don’t live as long as their ex-wife does, and their suicide levels go up more. When a man sees silence in the relationship, he thinks everything is fine. However, if a woman is not talking, she is probably planning to leave. Only 50% of men in a troubled relationship know there is a problem. The rest say they never saw the breakup coming.

SECRET #3: You give meaning to your guy’s life. You matter far more to him than either of you realize. Be careful and kind with your words.

4. Men relate to other people better by doing activities with them.

Women get a chemical hit from talking. Men do not experience this rush of feeling good when they are talking to someone. They often feel that words get in the way of experiencing the moment. Men get a rush of good feelings when they are taking action or are engaged in physical activity. They also love to share activities with their favorite woman.

SECRET #4: Find at least one activity that you both have a passion for and do it together. This strengthens your bond and gives him a sense of success.

5. Men love routine.

Men take comfort in routine. To change schedules, plans, or even homes, is upsetting for him. He wants his time to be free from turmoil so he can hyper focus and concentrate on taking care of his work, and ultimately, the family.

SECRET #5: Build some loving routines together. You might think that you are both just wordlessly watching TV, while he might see that activity as part of your togetherness. Predictable patterns in your relationship keep him grounded.

The above five secrets can change the level of happiness in your relationship. Add kindness and nurturing, and if you have chosen a good guy, you will have a new best friend. This is how you talk to a man.

About Tonja Weimer:

· Columnist: Weekly syndicated singles and dating columnist (over four million readers in the U.S. and Canada)

· Media: Coverage on TV, including CNN’s ShowBiz Today; rave reviews in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, Publisher’s Weekly

· Author: NBC/USA TV Network, selected author for articles on dating and singles for website

· Articles: In House Beautiful, New Woman, GRAND, and other national magazines

· Coach: Master Certified Singles Relationship Coach; Associate Certified Life Coach; International Coach Federation; Relationship Coaching Institute; Institute for Life Coach Training

· Keynote Speaker: Regional, National and International conferences in U.S., India and Europe

· Academic: BA; MA in Human Development; U.S. Dept of Mental Health full fellowship

· Published Author: 7 Books(Fingerplays for Children; Creative Movement for Children, etc) winning over 25 awards.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

What Women Want From Men; Dating and Relationships by Toni Coleman

Dear Dating Coach - I have been dating a woman for almost three months. Lately, I have been confused about her behavior and need help to understand what is going on with us and what I can (should) do about it. Our relationship has gone from her calling me "sweetie" and asking for more intimacy; to telling me that I am pressuring her and need to stop pushing so hard. I have no problem going at whatever pace she is comfortable with, and I have told her this. In the past few weeks she has cancelled plans on several occasions, saying that she needs time to think because she feels afraid and uncertain about things. When I ask her to share her feelings with me, she becomes defensive and asks me to leave her alone. I have told her to do what she needs to and I will be here when she is ready. After several days of no contact she did call and ask me about my weekend plans. This is becoming very confusing. Do you have any ideas about what I could do to break this cycle and/or what she may be afraid or concerned about?

When I received this email, my first thought was that the problem seemed obvious- at least to me. Her feelings had changed. The reasons were unclear, and somehow they didn't seem to be as important as the simple truth that it was over. But perhaps they really were. After all, if he could gain some understanding of what went wrong it could help him to make the right decisions now and avoid repeating this pattern in future relationships. Therefore, my advice to him included a recommendation that he ask her for honest feedback regarding her feelings about him and the relationship. Armed with a carefully scripted and thought out approach to the subject, he was increasing his chances of opening up a useful dialogue with her that at the very least, could offer him the insight and closure he needed.

After careful preparation, he arranged for a talk about "them". Things got off to an ok start, however she soon began to act defensively and then shut down, essentially refusing to discuss her feelings or answer his questions directly and/or with candor. This left him with a decision. Should he step back from pursing this discussion with her, just maintaining the status quo; or should he take action based on what he believed was the problem and what would be in his best interest over time. He struggled with making this choice because he was able to rationalize her behavior and make up plausible excuses for what was happening. This left him with (false) hope and a feeling of powerlessness.

As a dating coach, I receive (and answer) many emails from men like the one above. My advice is based on the knowledge and expertise gained from years of experience in working with the complex dynamics that occur between people. However, as the world of meeting and dating continues to evolve; I have found it useful to talk to the people who are out there living it, and gather their insights and observations. I asked a group of 20-30 something, professional, single women to share their thoughts and reactions to the above email. Our discussion also covered their likes/dislikes, turn-ons and offs and the qualities they look for in a potential partner. I wanted candid, unedited comments that I could share with this writer and with all the guys out there who are confused by the behavior of the women they are meeting and dating.

Their feedback on the email question was fairly consistent. His girlfriend's feelings had changed. They believed she wanted to break things off but didn't know how to or was uncomfortable being the bad guy. One woman shared that in at least one of her past relationships, she had behaved very badly towards him, hoping HE would end it. Another woman stated, "There are women out there who act very lovingly in order to get a guy, then become who they really are once they have him." All agreed that he should end it and give himself the chance to meet someone who is ready for a relationship and truly wants one with him.

On the subject of men who turn them on, the women came up with similar attributes and ranked them in order of importance. Sense of humor and intelligence topped the list. We discussed these as critical components in friendship and compatibility. Attributes such as stable, mature, positive, loving and good father material all weighed in equally as close seconds with the 30 somethings. The younger women stated that they have not given much thought to the importance of those things yet. All of the woman said that their ideal guy had to be the right type, even though the two groups differed somewhat in their preferred type. Adjectives like clean cut, polished, conservative, not too conservative, very confident and with a certain style of dress- were used to describe Mr. Right. All of the women said that it was important to them that their man be assertive, ambitious and able to earn a good living. They felt this was important in order to have a family someday and/or have more lifestyle options available to them. When one of the women shared her need for a good listener, who "doesn't try to fix the problem", all of the women said, "yes" in a strong chorus.

When I asked for their list(s) of turn-off's and pet peeves; the conversation turned to physical attraction, which had little mention in the first part of our discussion. All stressed the importance of good sexual (and overall) chemistry. They cited attributes such as "too frail", "crooked teeth" and "overly muscled" as deal breakers for them. The younger group of women placed a greater emphasis on looks and a need for excitement in their relationships. All agreed that they would not choose a partner who was lacking in ambition and/or who was egotistical and (most likely) unable to be the other half of a giving and supportive union.

The subject of dating brought up the greatest difference in views between the two age groups. The younger women had a less defined view of what a date is. Meeting at a bar, a last minute get together and sharing the tab were all seen dating, when out with a non-platonic friend. However, the 30 somethings felt a date should be arranged ahead of time with one person (formally) asking the other one out. All felt that the woman should at least offer to split the tab, but that the man should always pick up the check. All agreed that "hooking-up" and "booty calls" are not dates.

The women all said that when they really like a guy their feelings are expressed in the way they treat him. One woman stated that words are not the way women usually express their interest- especially early in a relationship. Everyone agreed that a man can know how a woman feels by the nice things she does for him. If she shows a lot of interest in him, cares about what he has to say, and wants to know what is going on in his life- she really likes him.

Lastly, we discussed the telltale signs of a woman's lack- or loss- of interest. They will not answer (or return) calls, say they are busy/unavailable or use some indirect way to communicate their disinterest. The key point they all agreed on is that women "are taught to be nice, not mean." This is probably why you guys out there are so confused when a woman says one thing and does another.

The differences between men and woman have been talked about in books, portrayed in film and used in some of the best punch lines. This us/them emphasis seems to have contributed to the misinterpretations and poor communication that so many singles lament. This dating coach thinks that dating and relationship communication will be improved when men and women learn to listen to, and really hear, what each other are saying (verbally and non-verbally). Deep listening without an assumption that interpretation and translation is required should help to bring clarity, openness and candor. Imagine a dating game where everyone speaks the same language and there are rules for fair play. I'm already imagining an inbox that is not constantly overflowing.

Toni Coleman, MSW is a licensed psychotherapist, relationship coach and founder of As a recognized expert, Toni has been quoted in many local and national publications including: The Chicago Tribune, The Orlando Sentinel, New York Daily News, Indianapolis Star and Newsweek newspapers and Family Circle, Woman's Day, Cosmo Style, Tango, Men’s Health, Star (regularly quoted body language expert), and Nirvana magazines. She has been featured on;;;, and Toni offers dating help and relationship advice as the weekly love and dating coach on the KTRS Radio Morning Show (St. Louis, MO) and through her syndicated column, “Dear Dating Coach.” Her newsletter, The Art Of Intimacy, helps over fifty-five hundred subscribers with its dating and relationship advice. Toni is a member of The International Coach Federation, The International Association Of Coaches and The National Association of Social Workers.

Great Relationship Advice For Building a Strong Foundation by Tracey Todd

You've found your perfect partner and you want to find ways so you don't mess it up. Looking for tips at this stage is a great sign. For a fresh new relationship, getting advice on how to build a solid foundation will have a massive impact on your future together.

Be Your Real Self

Spending the initial months acting as someone your not is a complete waste of time, as in reality your partner won't know the real you. At the beginning of your relationship you should take it slowly. One of the fastest ways to kill a budding relationship is to jump into bed too soon or live like you're attached at the hip. No matter how crazy you are about each other, try not to spend every waking minute together. Take some timeout to spend with your friends and yourself. This will create some mystery and will help to keep your feet on the ground.

Maintain a friendship

Ultimately, friendship is the foundation of any happy, long-term relationship. Friendship will help to get you over the bumps in the road. Usually once we have been around another person for awhile we tend to take them for granted and nitpick their behavior. Don't fall into that trap. Even when you disagree, you need to treat your partner the same respect you'd show any other close friend.

Handle Conflict

While it may not be very comfortable, conflict is not only inevitable, it's also an opportunity for growth. Handling disagreements in a new way could reveal better ways of doing things.

The trick is not to let irritations build up. If something your partner does seriously bothers you, bring it up with kindness and gentleness. If may be easier to solve than you expect. Letting issues brew is a recipe for disaster. Learning new techniques and skills in communication is really important to keep your new relationship moving forward.

Learn new skills to make your relationship work

If you've found your true love. You should look at resources that teach you new skills that will allow you to have a successful partnership. Sure, no two relationships are the same, but the ones that last do have certain things in common.

Starting a new relationship isn't always easy but by starting off with the right tools it will enable you to build a strong base on which long term commitment depends on. The right advice at the beginning of your relationship will start you off on the path to success. More essential information is covered here in this marriage counseling online article or in this guide about premarital counseling tips and techniques.

Why Most Men Love Curvy Women by Sandy Francis

In simple terms, men and women do not understand each other too well. It's a well known fact. Men like cars. Women like make up. Men drink a beer and watch sport, while women can sit and chat about shoes for hours. Generalisation of course. Profound apologies. However there is one area where we men are on solid ground. Men like 'curvy' women. When we say men, we mean ALL men. Women think that men like 'slim' women, and that 'curvy' means fat. Wow. For a man, talking to a woman about her body and it's shape is like digging your own grave with your tongue. There is no way we can say to our partners 'you have a great curvy body', because she will automatically think we mean she is fat! So we will attempt to explain 'curvy' to women, and set their minds at rest. Men are completely turned on by a woman's shape. Her shape. Not her size. Not her weight. It's all about the 'hour-glass' shape.

There are some very, very slim women who have even slimmer waists, and therefore fall into the category where their body has the beginnings of the hour glass shape. There are some women who are naturally curvy, like a Beyonce, Shakira, or J-Lo. And some women need a little dieting, or exercise to find that shape. Men of all ages love to admire an hour glass body. There is something so incredibly sexy about prominent breasts, a slim waist and rounded hips. And usually the side profile is even better, as most curvy women look as if they are trying to arch their backs, and stick their buttocks out. Awesome. That is what men mean by curvy.

As long as breasts, waist, and hips are all in proportion, dress size is irrelevant. The only people who are honestly interested in whether a woman is size 0 or 10, are other women. Men are only interested in the shape of a woman's body. Because the editors of women's magazines are so narrow minded that every single picture in their glossy pages has to represent perfection, normal women who religiously read these pages find faults with themselves. They don't like their hair. Its too dry or too greasy. They don't like their eyes. They can detect fine lines and wrinkles. They don't like their skin. Their hands are too veiny. Their shoulders too broad. Stomach too big. Breasts wrong shape. Legs too short. You get the idea. Who caused all this anxiety? Certainly not men! And ladies, if you take a look through the first few pages of your favourite magazine, the editorial staff is almost exclusively female.

So all the women we know are a little obsessed with being slim, or being the correct weight. None seem too concerned about their shape. Men want one thing. Women are trying to achieve something entirely different. Men want that slim waist. The rounded hips and buttocks. The shapely breasts. They want it all in proportion. But most men are prepared to love their woman, no matter what shape she is. If she were curvy as well as everything else, that really would put the icing on the cake. One great study in the USA was eye opening. The average American woman is 5'4" tall, and size 14. In terms of fashion, modelling, and Hollywood, that is a plus size. Yet, if you ask men "who is the sexiest woman ever?", Marilyn Monroe, who happened to be size 14, comes second to "my wife". Men really think that curvy is beautiful.

Sandy Francis is a recently retired sportsman, who now dedicates his time to his original vocation of writing. His latest website at features articles and solutions on health, fitness, diet, and wellbeing.

about men, women, and sex

This is article is about men, women, and sex. I will give specific relationship advice to men and specific advice to women, so if you do not want to hear the truth, click away now... Are you still here? Ok, here we go.

Men, please listen. This is great advice. Remember that God made women different, (WAY DIFFERENT) and you need to realize this. Just because you think one way I can guarantee she thinks another, in all aspects of life. Sex is one of those aspects. For a woman, sex starts hours before it actually starts. In fact, if you are planning on having sex on Thursday night, and you want it to be good, you better start Wednesday morning. Make sure you pay attention to her. Don't just rush off to work with a peck on the cheek, give her a real kiss, something she will remember. And yes, the kids might say "that's gross", but do it anyway. And smile at her. You may even whisper in her ear that tomorrow night is the special night. If you're outside of the house together give her a little pat on the tush once in a while. Of course, don't embarrass her, just when nobody is looking. Tell her she's still the most gorgeous woman in the world to you. I don't care if she has put on love handles, tell her anyway, because if you want a good relationship you should not only say it, but you better mean it. Another bit of great relationship advice, that evening, make sure you hold her close when watching TV or whatever it is you do in the evenings. Tell her you love her and only her. The chances are pretty good you won't have to wait until Thursday! Just spend some time looking at her, spend a few minutes playing with her hair, and take some time for her and only her. Trust me these simple things are what makes life and sex worth the time and effort. This is real relationship advice that works.

Ok now women, here is some relationship advice for you. Believe it or not, men do have feelings. I know they don't show it, and may never show it, but there is hope. As long as you remember they still have them you are way ahead of the game. I know there are some men out there that do show their feelings and good for them, but for most of us, we don't. But thanks to some long overdue culture changes we are starting, so don't abuse the fact that the only feelings we show are anger by intentionally making us angry. If you are that starved for some feelings from your man, talk to him. Anyway, back to the topic of men's feelings. We do get hurt ladies, and sometimes hurt deeply by your actions. We don't say it, we don't get the sad hound dog look, but we do. Another bit of relationship advice is never laugh at your man. Laugh with him yes, but at him, no. You have seen the overprotective mother type, the ones that their kids do no wrong? Well there is nothing wrong with you being that overprotective of your man. In fact, we like it. We like it a lot. If we screw up, even if it's spilling the spaghetti, don't laugh at us, protect us. Say those little words that will make us feel good. Tell us it's ok, tell us don't worry about it, no harm done, all those little things you tell little boys right before they cry, because even if we are now men, we are closer to that little boy than you think.

Monte Jamison, Relationship Guide

Relationship Advice -

Friday, 21 August 2009

Top 5 Ways To Make A Woman Irresistibly Attracted To You

If you want to attract women, you have to think like a salesman. Know what your clients want, and tune your product--that's you--to fit the clients' needs.

So what we have are five areas that we must market effectively if we want to spark an initial attraction from women. After that, it's up to you to show what a great guy you are: let her know you're special, unique, one of a kind. That's what makes you...a best-seller!

1. Ambition

From an evolutionary stand-point, this one makes complete sense. Think cavemen and cave women in the Stone Age, with some of the weaker cavemen seeking a higher station in the tribe. Who do you think the cave women went for? The men who hobbled along meekly in the bottom of the order...or the men who strived for more and sought a higher place in the pack? Much of a woman's desire to be with a man who is ambitious and seeks success, is based simply on survival: The more powerful the man, the more likely she'll survive and live well. Logically, going for a guy who has no ambition means she's likely to live in poverty and struggle. Not very appealing, is it?

So you have to present yourself as a guy who's not satisfied with his station in life. This is good for both you and her. If you're making $6 an hour at McDonald's and are content to stay there, not many women are going to be attracted to you. But if you're making $6 an hour and working your ass off to own your own franchise, taking business classes at night so you can learn how to run a business: well, suddenly you're not so bad-looking! Believe me, women will give men a chance, they want to give men a chance--as long as they see potential. Know that quote, "Behind every great man is an even greater woman"? Show you've got potential and direction, and you'll get that great woman.

2. Status

Again, evolutionary instincts of survival make women naturally attracted to men of high status. High status=good living for herself and her children. Fortunately, projecting high status does not have to be difficult; according to Roberts, "Wearing the right clothes, especially nice shoes, can go a long way toward portraying wealth. Taking on the unshaken or unworried attitude of wealthy men can project affluence. Hesitant, irresolute, bland men come across as having lower incomes and being less reliable." Got that? You don't have to be a powerful, articulate man yourself-you just have to project similar qualities.

Some of these qualities include:

* Not putting yourself down. Without being a braggart, talk positively about your accomplishments, job position, and possessions-even if they're not much. If you treat things as a big deal, other people will, too. Conversely, if you downplay your accomplishments and character, women will, too. Your attitude is contagious, so make sure it's an enthusiastic, enlivening one that people enjoy.

* Act like you deserve good women. Don't let women assume a higher status than you. Show them that YOU are the one with higher status. You can do this in a number of ways, including not acting impressed by a woman's beauty or career (say, she's a model); teasing her about her clothes or makeup; and asking her to buy you a drink. Chances are she won't, but just by acting like you deserve it, you raise your status! She's not such an untouchable goddess in the end.

Remember, as well, that women want to EARN a man; they relish the challenge of luring in a winning catch. So play hard to get: talk to other girls, say you've got to be leaving just when things are going well, don't immediately ask for her phone number. If you act like a man who can have his pick of women, then chances are, you will!

* Knowing people of high status. This is a great one. Get to know the people of power: the club owners, bartenders, maitres'd. Position yourself as a sociable person who's in the know. When a woman sees you getting special treatment and chatting with high-status people, she'll see right away that you're someone of importance. It will also reduce the importance of the other factors, such as height, money, and ambition; immediately you've proven yourself valuable.

* Social proof/Female acquaintances. Hey, nothing says, "This guy's attractive" than having females around him. Of course, the hotter they are, the hotter you look, but even just having average-looking female company can only help: it shows women that other women are interested in you. Do your best to get your female friends and family (sisters, cousins) to come out with you. It's social proof, and it works!

* Wearing nice clothes. "When a man is well dressed," writes communications expert, Leil Lowndes, "it signifies his ability to provide for her offspring." You don't have to be rich and powerful to wear nice clothes. You just have to show that you're a man of quality, a man headed towards somewhere who pays attention to dress (something women cna never get enough of). Formal clothes, such as a suit, convey that you are serious about success; you desire good things. So just by wearing a nice sports jacket, dress shirt, and slacks, you let a woman know you're a man with status. You're a man who could provide for her and her children.

The colors you wear are vital: Studies show that red, burgundy, and black clothes convey high status. So get yourself some slick black suits or formal wear, a red shirt, and one of my favorites (and girls'!), a sleek burgundy button-down shirt. They all convey regality and strength.

In the case of red, you have the added bonus of sexuality, power, and dominance: definitely good qualities to portray! Go and purchase a nice red polo shirt, or red tie for your suit.

If you enjoy white clothes-the color of purity and cleanliness-then make sure you work on your TAN. White clothes against a dark backdrop make you look exotic, sexy, and well-travelled. You don't have to be an jet-setting playboy to look like one!

* Winning body language. Women judge men by the way they move and position themselves; it's part of their superior communication skills to know what a man is thinking or feeling based on his body language. So, position yourself in the right way: don't slouch, sit upright, gaze at her knowingly, lean into her to initiate intimacy. I've got a great column on body language that will teach you the right ways-and the wrong ways-to project high status.

3. Financial Resources According to Matthew Fitzgerald, "Studies with college coeds show that when shown photographs of men dressed in high-status uniforms, ties, expensive watches, etc.) and low-status uniforms, these women would be significantly more willing to enter into relationships with the more expensively-attired males regardless of the man's physical appearance. To a woman, attraction is simple: green is very good-looking."

Okay, so not every guy has money for expensive suits and watches, and materialism may not be part of your game. However, if you want to impress women, one of the fastest ways is by wearing snazzy clothes, sporting nice shoes (girls LOVE shoes!), and driving an expensive car. Especially when it comes to designer brands, women are VERY keen at spotting high-quality products. It's just part of their nature; with expensive possessions come high status and ambition, and a more comfortable lifestyle. Again, this all comes from their instinctual drive for survival and prosperity for themselves and their children. By owning the best, you become the best. At least on the surface.

Ultimately, if you want true love it's up to you to find women who share the same goals and values. If money and status aren't the most important things in life for you, don't chase the girls who do prioritize those things. Don't go for the shallow, bitchy types who only judge a man by how much he can spend on her.

4. Educational Level

Knowledge really is power, and on top of that, it's an aphrodisiac! Gone are the days when being smart was acquainted with being a nerd; now, knowledge and intelligence are your friends. It's the easiest way to money, and the easiest way to success. So show it off a little. Let her know your TALENTS, your interests, your areas of special knowledge. As Roberts writes, "Women are drawn to experts like the Crocodile Hunter, Bill Gates and Chris Rock because they're experts in their industries." None of those guys is particularly good-looking, but they're good at what they do, and parlay their knowledge into success, which drives women wild.

A guy who's an expert is one who is clearly successful and of higher status. At the very least, having a special knowledge means you have the TOOLS for success, and can provide intellectual stimulation for a girl (which, unless she's a bimbo with an IQ of 70, is quite important for women).

Additionally, just being in school is a great way to show off your knowledge: "If you're in school, not only are there more women available, but you've already demonstrated to them that you're getting educated. Otherwise, it's up to you to come across as reliable and credible without making her feel dumb."

5. Physical Aptitude

Physical height alone is an easy way to catch a woman's attention, but it's not the only thing. Again, evolutionary mechanics come into play here. A man who is tall, strong, and athletic is more likely to fend off threats to the woman and her children. He is also more likely to have a strong immune system, which will further aid their chances of survival. So, you can't blame women too much for valuing these things: in the world of female attraction, it really is a survival of the fittest. Those who show women they are in shape and healthy are much more likely to survive the dating game! Ergo, athletes, bouncers, firemen get the girls.

As for height, it's all a matter of perspective. We've all seen short guys with tall beautiful women. Neil Strauss himself, the best of the best pickup artists, is just 5'6" yet gets more beautiful women than we can imagine. How? By believing in himself. By positioning himself as a man of high status. By not bowing down to women of greater height or beauty. And by being a guy women know is fun and energetic to be around. In short, he's got INNER GAME, and when you have that down, nothing can stop you. You may even find yourself dating women who are taller than you!

But remember, presenting a man who's healthy and strong, willing to stand up for himself and the girl in a fight: that's the kind of guy who women will go for, regardless of height. Did you know that men with strong immune systems give off pheromone scents that women are instinctually attracted to? If you pay attention to what you eat and go to the gym on a regular basis, you're going to build your immune system up, and attract women without even trying! So do it, and watch the number of dates you get, soar.

In the end, men are like books: women judge them by their covers. But inside is an even greater story. So make your cover captivating, and you'll become a "best-seller" in no time!
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